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Air your views on the BBC

The BBC announced it will be hosting an open discussion on its news and current affairs output in Newry later this month. The event to be held in the Sean Hollywood Arts Centre will give local viewers the opportunity to voice their opinions on TV and network programmes to the BBC Audience Council. The discussion is part of a series of Audience Council events that hope to ensure that local voices are at the heat of BBC decision making and occasional and regular viewers are invited to attend. Aideen McGinley Chair of the Audience Council said that they represent the interests of BBC audiences in Northern Ireland and as advisors to the BBC Trust the organisation’s governing body work to get the best out of the BBC for licence payers. “We want to understand what local audiences think about BBC programmes and service,” she said. “We are particularly interested in views about BBC television and network (programmes broadcast UK wide) news and current affairs which the BBC Trust will formally review this year. Members of BBC NI’s senior management team will join us soo this is wonderful opportunity to share your views with key decision makers.” To reserve a place at the event held on September 19 at 5.30pm or for further information phone 028 9033 8100, text phone 028 9033 8100 or email audiencecouncil.ni@bbc.co.uk


Newry Reporter

4th September 2013