‘We help our members grow through a variety of networking opportunities.’

At the Hub for creative business

A new initiative helping creative businesses start up I local towns has helped its first tenants move into new premises in Newry. Vacant buildings in Sugar Island are now being occupied in the hope of kick-starting further trade in the area and providing an outlet for those in the creative industries to sell goods. Creative Hubs are now also in place in Armagh and Banbridge helping creative enterprises develop their business, share ideas and take advantage of low start-up costs. At the Newry Creative Hub, web design and social media company Socialclix have taken tenancy as has Grand Panda NI, a video production and photography company. Funded through the Northern Periphery Program and local councils and part of the Creative Edge Project, the Creative Hubs Programme is bringing vacant town centre properties into use and assisting business start ups. Armagh City and District Council, Banbridge District Council, Craigavon Borough Council and Newry and Mourne District Council are supporting the programme. For more information on the Creative Hubs Programme please contact Madeleine Kelly at Groundwork Northern Ireland on 028 90 749494 or by email at madeleinekelly@groundworkni.co.uk


Newry Reporter

11th December 2013