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Be safe at home and on the roads

Newry and Mourne Policing and Community Safety Partnership with their partners Newry and Mourne Senior Citizen’s Consortium, Public Achievement Driving Change project, Newry Neighbourhood Policing Team and the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) hosted a very special event for older people at the Canal Court Hotel last week. The special event entitled “Be safe at home and on the roads” provided information about keeping “yourself, your home and your property safe” and offered some tips and hints on how to keep safe on the roads both as a pedestrian and as a driver. “The PSNI and NIFRS gave informative talks on keeping safe at home and fire prevention in the home. A special demonstration by Driving Change featured the way in which the NIFRS gave informative talks on keeping safe at home and on fire prevention in the home. A special demonstration by Driving Change featured the way in which the NIFRS would extract and older person from a car in a simulated collision and created a lot of questions and interest from the very large group of 95 older people who attended the event. Driving Change is a three year collaborative project between the NIFRS and the Fire Services of the six border counties in the Republic of Ireland, the Department of Health and Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) the department of the environment, Community and Local Government (DECLG) and Public Achievement, a youth focused voluntary organization.


Newry Reporter

8th May 2013