‘We help our members grow through a variety of networking opportunities.’

Collaboration project

A group of higher education institutions and business support agencies  – including Newry and Mourne Enterprise Agency are developing free online training programmes or businesses and universities. The group known as the SUPPORT Partnership recently came together in the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain to develop the project which aims to help businesses and academics who wish together to do so more effectively. The materials which will be available free of charge online or in DVD format will be trialled  across over the EU over the summer. The partnership’s work has been funded by the European Commission (Lifelong Leawrning Programme Education and Culture DG) through its Erasmus Programme. Speaking about the project Newry and Mourne Enterprise Agency chief executive Dr Conor Patterson: ” The advice which will be freely available has been harvested from some of the European Union’s most active enterprise agencies and higher education technology transfer teams. What will really differentiate this service will be the use of the most innovative open source on-line tools to organise the information and make it very easy to use. It has been a privilege for me to work on this EU-funded international project for two reasons. It acknowledges the work which we in the Newry and Mourne Enterprise Agency have been doing and it gave me the opportunity to meet some of Europe’s brightest minds who are doing truly innovative work. I intend to bring that learning into the day to day work of Newry and Mourne Enterprise Agency which I hope will improve the effectiveness of our services locally.” For more information on the project log on to www.support-project.eu .


Newry Reporter

18th April 2012