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Navigator Financial Planning – Brexit At The Border

Venue : Carrickdale Hotel & Spa
Time :

Brexit will transform the landscape for businesses across the UK, Ireland and beyond. For organisations of any size in Northern Ireland, preparing to be ‘Brexit-Ready’ is a daunting prospect. This is not helped by the sheer volume of considerations to discuss and implement right across every facet of their business. A set of constantly-moving goal-posts is adding to the challenge.

Business leaders must prepare their organisations to remain competitive and seize opportunities. Strategic knowledge and expertise will be vital in what looks like being a fast-changed landscape as the final exit approaches. Supply chains, cross-border trade, talent management, legal checks and much more must be considered when planning for a Post-Brexit environment.

For investors, there are also concerns, as markets continue to display high levels of volatility. Some of this is driven by fear as the reality of Brexit approaches and uncertainty about what it really means continues.

This seminar is aimed at helping to provide some planning ideas and clarity in relation to Post-Brexit expectations whilst provoking further thought and discussion.


Angela McGowan – Director, CBI Northern Ireland

Conor Houston – Director, Houston Solutions

David Crozier – Financial Planner, Navigator Financial Planning

There is a small entrance fee of £10.00 with all proceeds in aid of Southern Area Hospice Services.


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