‘We help our members grow through a variety of networking opportunities.’

Newry Brexit Information Drop-in Session

Venue : Newry Town Hall
Time :

Are you facing challenges preparing your business for Brexit?

Join us for a networking lunch in Newry Town Hall and the opportunity to meet with Brexit Advisers from InterTradeIreland in conjuction with NMDDC, FSB NI and Newry BID.

Specialist Advisors will be on hand to provide one-to-one information and advice for your business on issues in the areas of customs, tax, supply chain and logistics to prepare for different trading procedures Post-Brexit.

Attendees can also find out about how they can apply for Brexit support vouchers, check product tariffs and avail of the online learning platform, ‘Brexit & Beyond’.


Although the NI Small Business Conference 2019 is sold out, this is a separate event and there are places available to attend. This is FREE for delegates and other businesses to attend and we would encourage you to do so.


    Event Attending
