In the current economic climate many owner-managers are exploring new market sectors – particularly those that have been identified as growth industries such as the Life and Health Sciences sector. Businesses across Newry and Mourne District Council are being offered a unique opportunity to expand their company into this multi-million pound market through a dynamic new business support programme. Led by Craigavon Borough Council in partnership with East Border Region Ltd and Newry and Mourne District Council as well as 5 other council areas the ‘Life Sciences Supply Chain Project’ which is in part financed by the European Union’s INTERRREG IVA Programme managed by the special EU Programmes Body, will help businesses use their existing skills products and services within a different market in a way to expand their business into the Life Sciences sector – as well as advising them on the new skills and accreditations they will need. The Life Sciences Sector which includes pharmaceuticals, medical devices and medical diagnostics – is continuing to grow rapidly yet a lot of products and services are currently imported when the could instead be sourced locally. Existing large global companies Almac, Randox, Heartsine, Intelesens and Clonallon Laboratories, are committed to this project and are keen to support local companies as they venture into this industry. Many businesses may think that supplying this sector is not a possibility for them when there are in fact many opportunities open to the companies of micro and small to medium size in a range of areas including electronics, design, packaging, fabrication and software development to name a few. “The Supply Chain Project provides an excellent opportunity for businesses to investigate opportunities into new lucrative markets. This is a sector that could be of benefit to a wide range of businesses from packaging to plastics and transport to software design,” commented Councillor Michael Ruane, Mayor of Newry and Mourne District Council. “We are urging businesses to contact us about he Supply Chain Project and let us advise you on how you can use this project and the knowledge of the advisors to branch out and essentially give your business an extra competitive edge. To be able to offer businesses an opportunity to develop their enterprise by helping them achieve the skills and knowledge required to service the needs of the major customers within the Life Sciences Sector is a pioneering project that Newry and Mourne District Council is very proud to be a part of.” Edward Henry Clinical Director Clonallon Laboratories Ltd added, “At Clonallon Laboratories we understand the merit and importance of developing mutually beneficial relationships with other local SMEs. This project provides a needed catalyst to such cooperation and Clonollan is pleased to support
BioBusiness and the Craigavon Borough Council Commenting on then project during the launch in February Lorraine McCourt Director with the Special EU Programmes Body said: “This is an excellent project which will develop a new crop of high quality businesses ready to service the billion pound Life Science Sector. The EU funding allocated through the INTERREG IVA Programme will help the local supply chain and on a cross border basis.” The Life Sciences Sector is strictly regulated and the Supply Chain Project will help you to gain the particular skills and accreditations needed to meet those regulations. You will gain he inside knowledge of how your business can meet this criteria, how to increase your capabilities too supply as well as receive mentoring, development workshops, meet the buyer opportunities, practical hands on help and lots more. The project is suitable for businesses based in one of the following East Border Region areas – Craigavon, Banbridge, Down District, Newry and Mourne District, Meath and Louth. There are many exciting opportunities for a variety of businesses so for more information please contact Louise Cushnahan, Life Sciences Project Manager o 028 3831 2408 or email
Newry Reporter
25th September 2013