‘We help our members grow through a variety of networking opportunities.’

Funding boost for Clanrye

The Clanrye Group has secured £3.4m of European funding to deliver programmes to local families across the Newry Mourne and Down and the Armagh Banbridge and Craigavon Council areas. The local group which started back in 1982 has now grown to include Portadown and Downpatrick as well as several locations in Newry – including the iconic Slieve Gullion Courtyard  and is delighted to be launching the Family Foundations programme fir the benefit of the community. Family Foundations Manager Rachel Duffy said: “Our new Family foundations Programme is about family support with the aim to help develop family members’ skills and qualifications. This Programme focuses on supporting a family in the areas they may need it most including wellbeing, money management, family relationships and skills development. It also focuses on increasing a family members’ employability in securing work and/or availing of education and training opportunities.

 Newry Democrat

1st September 2015