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Further plans for Slieve Gullion

With the news that more than 100,000 people visited the Slieve Gullion area in July and August, plans are afoot to build upon such notable success. Sinn Fein Councillors Roisin Mulgrew and Mickey Larkin have met with Council officials, the Clanrye Group, Grounded and the Forestry Service in Slieve Gullion to discuss how best to consolidate and grow the area’s clear attraction for tourists both near and far. “More than 100,000 people visited Slieve Gullion in July and August  this year which is a tremendous achievement,” Councillor Mulgrew said. ”       People from South Armagh have always known that Slieve Gullion is one of the most beautiful places in Ireland and we are delighted that it is no longer Ireland’s best kept secret. However potential for the Forest Park, indeed the entire area is enormous and we really must build on this success. The point of this meeting was to get all the groups who use or are invested in the park together to kick around ideas, raise concerns and generally ensure that we all move on collectively. We want all visitors coming to this premium tourist attraction to have an enjoyable and unique experience, one that will make them return and crucially spread the work about this magnificent facility.” Ms Mulgrew also extended he thanks to all those who have worked so hard to ensure that the area is presented in as good a light as possible. “While there is still so much to do to ensure this marvellous attraction reaches its full potential I do want to take this opportunity to thank the Council staff and all the people involved who have worked so hard throughout the summer to make Slieve Gullion the burgeoning success story it is,” she added. “I sincerely hope that it continues to receive the support it needs from the Council and that Council investment in the South Armagh area in general continues.”


Newry Democrat

6th October 2015