‘We help our members grow through a variety of networking opportunities.’

Inland Waterways Association of Ireland Newry & Portadown Branch – Annual Bath Tub Race 2016


As part of the Newry City Triathlons & Festival of Water the Inland Waters Association of Ireland Newry & Portadown Branch will be hosting their annual Bath Tub Race at this year event which takes place on Sunday 28th August at Newry Albert Basin.  This event is open to the entire community so whether you are a commercial business, emergency service, statutory body, community sports youth or voluntary groups the IWAI are looking your organisation to get into community spirit and enter the race. 


Speaking on behalf of the branch, Chairman George Beattie stated that the IWAI Newry & Portadown branch are delighted to be working in partnership with this event organisers of the Festival of Water.  The Albert Basin will be a hive of activity and the event promises to provide entertainment and fun for all ages.  The Bath Tub race will commence at 2:00pm and the event will feature teams racing on the Albert Basin. The Cost incurred will be £30 and cheques should be made payable to: IWAI Newry & Portadown Branch.   As part of the Festival of Water activities include a range of free activities including: Kayak Racing, Curragh Racing, Chip & Dip, Jet Ski Rides, Canoe Races, Banana Rides and more!


It couldn’t be easier, all you have to do is create and build a water worthy craft to race up Newry Albert Basin and be crowned Bath Tub Champions of 2016. 


There is three categories:


Junior Cup – Kindly Sponsored by the McKeown & McCrum Families

Senior Cup – Kindly Sponsored by Surefrieght LTD

Most Creative Design – Kindly Sponosred by Courtney’s Restaurant




  1. The crew in the bath tub is to be no more than 2 persons
  2. It is compulsory for all crew members to wear a life jacket/buoyancy aid.  Failure to do so will result in disqualification of the craft.  Marshals at each end of the course will ensure that all crew members are ‘water worthy’ for the race and marshal decision is final.
  3. Craft and propellers must be homemade.
  4. It could be clearly noted that whilst the organiser maintain a strict control of safety, including the provision of safety/rescue boat containing trained personnel, ALL competitors enter at their own risk and should be aware of the potential hazards of all water sports. 
  5. The IWAI in association with the event organisers will not be held liable for any accident, injury, loss or damage occurring during the staging of Newry Festival of Water. 


If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the event organiser Paul McKeown on mobile: 07591 403 199 or email: p.mck@hotmail.co.uk