‘We help our members grow through a variety of networking opportunities.’

Interview with Emma Mullen-Marmion, Outgoing President of Newry Chamber

Emma, what a two-year Presidency that was!

What was the highlight of the two years?

There were so many!

The first International Women’s Day celebration at Killeavy Castle Estate in February 2020 was a really special event! It was my birthday wish come true! I turned 40 and I wanted to hold an inspiring and motivating day that raised money for one of my chosen charities PIPS Hope and Support but I also wanted an event that celebrated the amazing women in significant roles across our region.

It was the first time in our Chamber history where two women held the positions of President and Vice President so it felt important to celebrate the transition and journey of business and of our Chamber. Coming from Killeavey at the foot of Slieve Gullion, Killeavey Castle Estate was the most perfect venue. There were over 150 women in attendanc, and the camaraderie, collaboration and optimism was infectious! The amazing key women in my life were there too, it was really really special.

The President’s Banquet was a really special event too, as we got to celebrate the Chambers 200 year history! It was truly fantastic. We had past presidents of the Chamber, Presidents from other Chambers around the country and lots of members from the business community came along to celebrate at Canal Court Hotel & Spa. It was amazing.

Aside from the events though, there were small highlights too. We had very important meetings on the transition through Brexit, with Ministers, Secretary of State, Head of the Bank of England and dignatories from around Europe and the world.

The outbreak of Covid-19 was one of the most worrying of times I can recall in my lifetime. Almost overnight, businesses were closing their doors, people were working from home, I remember myself and Colm Shannon (who was the CEO of the Chamber at the time) on the phone every day! We were getting calls from owners and managers wanting to talk and share their experience. I was isolated with my two boys too and I remember having this overwhelming feeling that we had to do something, and we threw ourselves into our Chamber work.

Immediately, we started running online events on human resources, health and safety, wellbeing and resilience every week! We started networking sessions where people could meet virtually and chat, and we were sending out updates through our social media channels as we learned anything. We were meeting with Ministers and talking to key Stakeholders weekly on how we could help. It was an exceptional time and I feel incredibly honoured, almost “the right person at the right time” and happy to help in whatever way I could. It will definitely be a time I will remember.

It definitely was a very different Presidency?

Most definitely! I can’t compare to any of the other Presidents experience. In our Chamber we take up the role of Vice President 2 years before, so back in 2017, no one could have anticipated what was ahead. Brexit was something we hoped wouldn’t happen and a global pandemic was something we saw in movies! I think every President, has a challenge that they have to overcome in their term, for me it was the transition through Brexit and Covid-19!

Do you think its important that women hold roles like this?

I do! Growing up in Newry and before social media, I remember being asked who inspires me, and I really struggled with answering that question. Being in business wasn’t something I thought was possible for me, being a President of the Chamber until recently wasn’t something that was even on my radar as something to aim towards!

For me, seeing women in roles like this, as well as seeing different age profiles, abilities, orientations, representatives from our wide community, with different family dynamics and the different types of business, commerce and enterprise, is incredibly important on lots of levels. For many of us, “Seeing is believing” and for me, being in this role was a demonstration that this is accessible to everyone but also a symbol that the voice of everyone in our community is important and has a useful and valuable contribution to make.

The Chamber is such a wonderful Community for me and I have had the privilege of working alongside the most amazing men and women that have contributed so much to Newry’s past and present. I think the role is something that is possible for men and women, and everyone brings their own personality, and stamp and vision to the Chamber. It really is a fantastic experience.

So who inspires you now?

Honestly? Lots of people! I love to hear people’s stories of how they got to where they are and I am inspired every day by the people I get to connect with. I am also inspired by how far I have come personally and I love the excitement of what’s going to be next, that inspires me to keep going too! My children inspire me too, they don’t see any blocks to what is possible! So it rubs off [laughs]!

Did you achieve what you set out to achieve?

Yes! Even with the challenges of Covid-19. It definitely wasn’t the tenure I was expecting but I was determined to make the most of the opportunity nonetheless. The Newry Chamber team are the most incredible people to work with. I can’t begin to put into words the support they have given me and how they rallied around to help me to make my goals possible. It has been the most humbling experience and I am so grateful.

There were a number of strands I had set out to achieve.

Celebrating diversity in Business. In my tenure, I am so proud that Newry Chamber has 50:50 representation of men and women on our board. We had speakers from a wide range of ethnic backgrounds in my tenure and we celebrated our First International Women’s Day Event which I know will be a treasured date in the Chambers calendar moving forward.

Dynamic and reflective of Newry Business, it was important to me to open up the Chamber so that it was truly reflective of all business in Newry. Smaller businesses, all types and sizes, from right across the Greater Newry region, from Ballynahinch to Crossmaglen. Our membership has grown by 31% over the last 2 years, even through a Covid-19 pandemic! We had our Young Enterpreneurs Event in October celebrating the new emerging business and Newry’s proud entrepreneurial spirit and to attend the Chamber birthday celebration and the Newry Business Awards it was indicative of the dynamism and vibrancy of Newry in 2021 and looking ahead.

Putting People and Wellbeing on the Agenda, from very early in my role, with the Covid-19 pandemic, Human Resources and Wellbeing was on the agenda. We had seminars almost weekly on the issue during the pandemic, and I was delighted that Newry Chamber got to hold the first NI Workplace Health and Wellbeing Conference in person at such a crucial time! It was amazing. We set up Wellbeing Walking Groups to bring people together when meeting and networking wasn’t possible. PIPS Hope and Support was my chosen charity and I was delighted to contribute to their work.

Skills and Education Coming from HR, making inroads to address the skills gap was really important to me. And being a mum of two wee boys, contributing to the Newry of the future was equally so. We have begun the strategic vision working with our educators and businesses here to establish a Skills & Education Strategy to benefit business and our young people. And the Chamber has played an important role in lobbying on issues such as Brexit and the infrastructure projects for Newry City.

Do you think it is important to be part of a membership organisation like Newry Chamber? Why is it important to you?

Absolutely! Probably more so during the Covid-19 pandemic. A membership organisation like this can bring like-minded people together. It promotes collaboration. It pushes you to continue to grow. It brings camaraderie and friendship. Coming together, it gives you a voice and I am grateful to have experienced first hand how loud that voice can be! During Covid-19, our Chambers were influencing legislation for the betterment of business and our community!

But as much as it gives you, you give to it. You get to share your wisdom and mistakes and lessons with others for them to scale higher and quicker. You give your time, and your effort and it rewards you with a very unique Community.

Emma, as an independent mum, a hiker at the weekends, President of Newry Chamber, HR Consultant, I have to ask you, how do you manage your time? How do you do it all?

[laughs] to be honest, I don’t think I’m doing anything exceptional! I think the role of a mum, any role in business, in the community, they are all busy ones!

I definitely have a “can-do” mindset – if I dream it, I don’t know what happens inside me, I can’t rest until I do it [laughs]. That’s not always a good thing! [laughs]

I have lots of to do lists and I take time out to plan a lot.

But I invest in my time too! I spend a lot of time out hiking and being outdoors and getting out of my head really which is so important to me.

I keep it real I think and I have the most incredible support at home. I definitely would not be able to do everything I do without my family and friends who have been amazing and definitely keep me grounded. My two boys, are great wee men and we are a great team, we just get on with things at home so we all get to do the things that we really want to do. I have had the most amazing team in the Chamber office, that any idea I threw their way, they were behind me every step of the way! They really are a dream team to work with and made it all possible!

What’s next for you?

[laughs] I really don’t know! Christmas time is a period of reflection for me. Its been an incredibly busy last two years and I am really looking forward to the Christmas season to take stock of the last two years? Maybe finish the books I started and didn’t get a chance to finish, spend time with my two boys, hike a few mountains I’ve been looking at! And in the new year take a look at the next opportunity. I have a few things in the pipeline, so it is looking a really exciting next chapter!

I will still be part of Newry Chamber though! I stay on on the Board for another while and giving back to my home town will always be important to me. I know that Julie Gibbons will be an incredible President of Newry Chamber and I will be there to give her every support. I’m looking forward to a healthy, optimistic and hopeful 2022 and beyond!