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More investment needed

Minister for Social Development Nelson McCausland’s visit to Newry on Thursday was primarily focused on the relaunch of Hill Street and Monaghan Street following their extensive overhauls. However the need for further investment was also impressed upon the Minister. Indeed on his walking tour of the city centre after making his way up Monaghan Street where he was able to admire the newly laid paving a road service the Minister was brought along Merchant’s Quay which has been earmarked for a £1.5m upgrade by Minister McCausland’s department (DSD) next year. The Minister was then shown the Clanrye River, which has long been the focus of calls for a river weir  – which would raise the water level thus improving the appearance of the waterway. Following this the Minister walked the length of Hill Street, stopping win the new events space at Marcus Square  -which later this month will host a Jedward concert in front of 9,000 fans – before making his way to the Arts Centre for speeches and interviews. At the Arts Centre function the Reporter asked the Minister about the potential for future investment in the city with the Minister’s response sitting on the fence albeit at as positive angle. It will all be done a bit at time in bite sized chunks,” he said. “Certainly the work around the Canal is very exciting. Public realm schemes encourage the private sector to invest as when you do work like this you increase the number of people coming in.


Newry Reporter

12th September 2012