Newry Chamber of Commerce & Trade has joined with 15 Other Chambers and Business Organisations across Northern Ireland, in calling on the Executive to provide support for local businesses at this challenging time.
The Chamber is one of 16 co-signatories to a letter to the First Minister and Deputy First Minister.
Commenting on the direct approach to the Executive, Colm Shannon, Chief Executive Officer of Newry Chamber said:
“Many businesses in Northern Ireland are facing a challenge to their future viability. In Newry, the situation is complicated further by the border and the different approach being pursued by the Irish Government.”
“As a business community, we recognise that Public Health is the number one priority but businesses need support to deal with the impact of COVID-19. Businesses are already feeling the impact on sales and cash flow and the concern is that this will continue for a considerable period of time.”
“A valuable first step would be that the support introduced by the Chancellor in his Budget for businesses in England, including the 100% rates holiday, grants scheme and a rates discount for pubs, along with similar emergency measures in Scotland and in the Republic of Ireland, is extended to Northern Ireland.”
“Newry is a resilient business community but we face a formidable challenge. It is important that the business community and government work constructively and in partnership, to protect public health, jobs, businesses and our communities.”
Please find below a copy of the letter co-signed by the Chamber to the First Minister and Deputy First Minister: