Hill Street and Monaghan Street are very much open for business despite the ongoing £1.8m public realm works according to SuperValu manager Kieran Lowery. Since the beginning of the works last month many traders and shoppers have reported difficulties in day to day operations but rather than criticise the inconvenience caused by the works Mr Lowery has used them to his advantage. Last week a sign reading ‘if Rome was built in a day we would have used the same contracter’ appeared outside the shop. The humorous picture was featured in the Reporter and then discussed on the Breakfast with Hector show on 2fm – a programme with an estimated listenership of 130,000 across Ireland. Speaking to the Reporter Mr Lowery said: “We do tend to see the funny side and add a bit of quirkiness when we can so we couldn’t resist this one. We’ve had a lot of good comments from both the public and the contractors working on the street who seem to appreciate the humour in it.” Meanwhile upgrades to Margaret Square are scheduled for completion at the end of March. Works on the SuperValu side of Hill Street are scheduled for completion in early April. After the completion of these elemental works will then commence in Marcus Square, the other side of Hill Street and in sections moving down Monaghan Street from the canal.
Newry Reporter
28th March 2012