Hopes for a marina in Warrenpoint have been revived after Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland included the project in his proposals for a 15-year Masterplan for South Down. The Minister visited Kilkeel on Thursday and announced a number of key projects as part of a strategic vision for the region. In October last year an application from Warrenpoint Harbour Authority for European funding from SEUPB for the £10m marina project was rejected. But Mr McCausland recommended the project saying it would boost tourism and the economy in not only Warrenpoint but the entire South Down area – a recommendation welcomed by Warrenpoint councillor Michael Carr who said: “I am delighted that the Minister was aware of the marina proposals and recognised its benefits to Warrenpoint. A marina in Warrenpoint would create so much potential.” However the SDLP representative stressed that the Minister’s proposals were only recommendations and that no funding was yet in place for such a project. As well as the marina proposal Mr Causland outlined other ambitious projects for South Down including a Gondola service in the Mourne Mountains, improved access to Kilkeel beach and promoting Kilkeel Harbour and fish markets as a tourist attraction. He said: “The Masterplan proposal shows how Warrenpoint, Kilkeel and Newcastle by working together can become collectively strong to provide the full tourism offering that will help drive direct public and private investment in the region. The south east coast enjoys a stunning coastline that runs from Warrenpoint through Kilkeel and on through Newcastle all against the picturesque setting of the Mourne Mountains. This plan shows how we can maximize the appeal of these assets to underpin a sustainable economy by creating new activities and facilities that will drive year round visitor interest as people want to spend more time exploring, playing and enjoying the area.” Commenting on the proposals Mayor John McArdle said: “Much time and effort by a broad range of stakeholders has been invested in the creation of this Masterplan. It is my hope that a continuation of the close working relationships particularly between both Councils and DSD could lead to real progress and delivery of identified projects across the South East Coast Region.” The Masterplan is available to view on the DSD website at www.dsdni.gov.uk on the Newry and Mourne District Council website at www.newryandmourne.gov.uk
Newry Democrat
19th February 2013