To all Businesses in Newry, Mourne and Down
Positive Ageing-Older People’s Issues and their spending power.
Statistics Older People in Newry, Mourne and Down
There are around 29,891 over 60s in the Newry, Mourne and Down areas making up 18% of the total population.
Positive Ageing Celebration Event
The 4th Positive Ageing Celebration event is being held on Wednesday 7th October 2015 at the Leisure Centre in Patrick Street, Newry. It is a celebration of the positive impact older people make on our community.
We will engage with 200 older people and provide them access to and information on support services around Health and Wellbeing, Education and Lifelong Learning, Recreation and Leisure, Volunteering, Advice and Support, Arts, Culture and Heritage and Shopping.
The steering group would like to invite Businesses in the locality to support and become involved in this year’s big showcase event, and to support older people in the community with incentives to shop locally.
2 ways you can attract over 60’s to your business and get them to shop with you.
Give discount vouchers at the Positive Ageing Event on Wednesday 7th October 2015
Offer ongoing discounts throughout the year, for example on a designated day/monthly, or every day .
If you wish to become involved in this venture please contact me before the 14th August 2015 and I will be happy to discuss this further and would like to thank you in advance for your attention.
Yours sincerely,
Marian Cully
Community Development Worker, Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Promoting Wellbeing Team
John Mitchell Place
BT 34 2BU
Tel: 028 30834322/325