The newly elected president of Newry Chamber of Commerce has said he is “concerned” over the many challenges retailers face in the year ahead. Cathal Austin said that while he is excited about his role in representing the interests of the local business community, uncertainty in the eurozone, government spending cuts and gloomy economic forecast is eroding customer confidence and increasing pressure on retailers. The business community in Newry has experienced difficult times before and whilst the economic woes of recent years have been the worst for at least a generation, I remain optimistic,” he said. “We in Newry have proven to be resilient resourceful and entrepreneurial in the face of past difficulties and that spirit combined with the help of a strong proactive Chamber and supportive self reliant business community will see us through our current difficulties to a brighter future.” Mr Austin also welcomed the Environmental Improvement Scheme for Hill Street and Monaghan Street which is due to be completed in April adding “Newry Chamber welcomes this £1.7m investment into our traditional shopping precincts, it will incorporate new street furniture lighting and paving with the objective of encouraging more footfall into the city centre.
Newry Demcorat
3rd December 2011